Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bottle Feeding Newborns Question About Bottle Feeding Newborns?

Question about bottle feeding newborns? - bottle feeding newborns

I have twins and I'm curious to know certain things. Like a newborn is not a single session and how often to use in animal feed? I've heard all of 2 hours and about 2 ounces at time. Shall I say this to the hospital? I have contact with children in my life, but few things I can not remember me or not paying attention. Thank you!


missliss... said...

The Twins often have at least a little problem at birth and placed in the special nursery where they have less access to exclusively breastfeed and the majority of twins born before 34 weeks, plus the complication of breast-feeding. Not to mention, try to keep the two together to produce and to try to grow enough for two hungry babies. Although we always recommend that received at least one pump for the first few weeks, a benefit for antibodies.

Sorry wanted to put there the Nazis to breastfeeding. If you have never had a bit more rather than not even try to put them to feed them wanted. It is very stressful, 1 baby is stressful enough trying, exclusive breastfeeding, and even less if you compare it with two.

When the needs of infants an average of 2 ounces every 2 hours or sooner you can get your twins to better plan for you. Start slowly far more plans. Approximately 1 months still to 3 oz in the bottle and when the girls took the took place. If they acted hungry after I am. I'm always crying before I took a bottle and fed automatically.

mom2 said...

Every child is different, but initially, the equivalent to about a tablespoon to consume in one sitting. She believes the size of their stomach is small, fist-sized baby. Formula fed babies tend to eat less often, and breastfed babies eat more often because breast milk does not fill or stay in your system as a formula.
Check out a book from the library and online research to be done, but her maternal instinct is all you need it. You know when your baby is hungry. Can not forget to burp your baby, because as soon as the gas accumulates be torture to remove from your system.
Best of luck with your little blessing.

Julie said...

Congratulations to all pregnant with twins! I have two boys. I bought several pounds of torque and I always try to learn more information in order to improve myself or my family. I also have two older daughters. I breastfed all my children. Yes, the information Dr. Nurse

I feel like the more enlightened and better who are older than babies born will be easier for you. I fed my twins at the same time, otherwise I would promise you that night. Yes, if necessary, you can always supplement with formula, but not the ability to breastfeed.
Search and read about the twins. Get a lactation consultant at the hospital and at home if necessary! I "m happy I did.
My twins were born two days before the due date, which weighs 7.14 pounds and 6.14 pounds, which he had gained ~ 29 kg. I was very healthy. No doubt that their children can be! Organizing is not a good support before they are born. A record number of layers or table meal time certainly helps ... To arm yourself with all the knowledge andou can. Take care of yourself. Good luck and blessings

Caden's Mommy! said...

I eat a newborn son, 2.5 weeks, and I feed him almost every 2.5-3 hours and every 2-4 ounces. At the time of the night may be between 4-5 hours before the discovery of the defect. My doctor told me to gradually increase the amount if you drink the whole bottle, and 4 ounces to 5 ounces next feed and so on. The nurses will help with this hospital, and tell you what to do and what not to do.

Caden's Mommy! said...

I eat a newborn son, 2.5 weeks, and I feed him almost every 2.5-3 hours and every 2-4 ounces. At the time of the night may be between 4-5 hours before the discovery of the defect. My doctor told me to gradually increase the amount if you drink the whole bottle, and 4 ounces to 5 ounces next feed and so on. The nurses will help with this hospital, and tell you what to do and what not to do.

Just Call Me G said...

Talk to your doctor. It will tell you everything when you are in hospital. The exact technique you should use depends on the age of infants at birth if they have difficulties, her weight, etc. In general, if so, only 2 to 4 grams every 2 hours. Here too, however, depends only on you and your exact situation of the children. Good luck and congratulations.

Christine C said...

Tracy wanted to feed every 2 hours is correct, the number of babies who are breast for 2 hours is true drink. begin for the exhibition to eat more when they met.

Miss said...

Every baby is different. You have to wait to the frequency with which they eat and want to know how much.

and then there's Maude! said...

Every baby is really different. We started our son up to 2 ounces every 2 hours, after about 3 to 4 weeks hg up to 3 ounces every 3 hours. It depends on the baby. Some babies are hungrier than others. It will tell you if they want more, but, believe me.

* Haha .. I see all the police of breastfeeding have encountered this problem and started with the thumbs down. How sad. Perhaps it is not in a position to cultivate people. You have a choice. She asked about breastfeeding, ask about the feeding, so we have everything to lose their high horse and stop acting like you're better than everyone. Perhaps only to compare the formula to breastfeeding now. They do not know its history and is bullshit t thumbs down to another for feeding. Not safe for every situation. All mothers can breast-feed, and not all children have milk.

Gemgem88 said...

When you buy a box that says, as when everything that you start drinking and always want more, then in 30 ml and a shovel, and then placed fourth! If they grow older your stomach when you deal with it more than once a need for less frequent, but to say that I have almost 6 months, all still a 3 hours, but that's normal.
EDIT-how for the whole world come to preach the breastfeeding! Haha now I have another question for me:)
In EDIT, why always answer the thumbs down to your question? Sorry, I should waffles trash and go with something that you never asked? She asked a question, the answer given ia, breastfeeding nazi ... it's really funny
EDIT! caught in the daily routine, it is a question and answer forum is not a nation disscusions aboard a question that you do not hear dissusion A Simple And if the freedom of "expression? Many mothers bottle Darent write here about this, because people in the crowd, so wheres the freedom of expression? "Nobody asked for advice, and she wanted a Antwort.Wenn come to me, I actually dont care! Thank you for taking the time to do.

Twice blessed momma of twins! said...

The hospital help. Start eating very little and go from there. Most children do not take more than about two ounces hours. The neonatal intensive care unit I am feeding my children, 2 ounces of milk, when they arrived in a week, but I think overeating from the start ... While you're there, say, how often and how much to eat.
But frankly, you should at least consider breastfeeding. It has saved my mind. If I fix and wash bottles all day and night (as my 5-month-old children are still sleeping in the night. You have at least 2 feeds during the night) I'm Losing My Mind. And it is possible to produce enough milk to produce them. You can also at the same time with the help of a large cushion and a comfortable chair to breastfeed. But if you decide to order. When feeding babies. All I am saying is that at least one eye.

And congratulations on your twins!

Lily Danielle born 10/28/09 said...

Every baby is different, believe me, you know when your baby is hungry, and the hospital also gives you some tips. My daughter ate only one ounces every 2 to 3 hours, and some babies eating 2.4 ounces every 2 hours. Just wait and see the promise your baby will know when they are hungry.

And thumbs down? I answered your question. July and I have a thumbs down because I'm not a Nazi-bottle, but because you are a breastfeeding nazi. You're not breastfeeding breastfeeding Nazis, as they are, but because he does not answer your question. She asked about breastfeeding, which has nothing to do with your question. So since he did not answer the question, I have a negative opinion. Everyone knows already breast is best, but everyone is entitled, to make their own decisions.

Tina said...

Complications help nurses and doctors - sometimes has as twins are born prematurely or with a rather low birth weight.

My twins were born, low birth weight and were in a special formula high in calories. In addition, we had to feed every 3 hours (or less if they were hungry before), even if it means awakening to them healthy and help them gain weight. We have done this for months, then we started to feed them to the letter - about 3 to 4 hours between meals. To be accepted as a form of what they wanted, because I can not eat a lot at this age. I started with 2 ounces and gradually increase the amount, if it was completed.

My advice to the twins in all, eat it at the same time. On one hand, and stimulate others to eat, if you otherwise you would need is from food and someone all the time schedule.

Congratulations and best wishes - the twins are a blessing!

That's a fact...look it up! said...

Congratulations, you twins!
Tracy, not give for some time and a lot of time to learn about the benefits of breastfeeding .... especially the twins. Like most twins, born prematurely, is getting very beneficial for them, what they do not give milk. You can always supplement with formula if you think you need, but we highly recommend that breastfeeding of twins. Tandem nursing is really caring for twins easier. You can start to breastfeeding and if you do not like it, then go to the bottle. Even if the breast is better than nothing. Get a good book on caring for twins a "multiple mothering" by Karen Gromeda. My best wishes for good health.

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